Ed Zitron once said that when you avoid talking about yourself and your skills in your portfolio, it is not humility, it’s stupidity.
I couldn’t agree more with Zitron.
Over the course of my media career, I’ve come across quite a lot of talented and gifted people who are broke and less appreciated.
Their lips are sealed.
They are not comfortable talking about their expertise and achievements.
Reasons for this varies:
To some people, it’s religion.
To some people, it’s ‘humility’.
To some people, it’s shyness. (I’m standing on this table.
I’d elaborate on how I overcame this in subsequent article).
To some people, they simply don’t know what to do.
Whatever the cause, they’re shooting themselves in the foot.
Thus, those who need their services would bypass them and go for someone who may be less talented but properly positioned.
If you don’t blow your trumpet, nobody will blow it for you.
Keeping your achievements and expertise under wraps will keep you in obscurity and penury.
Not blowing your trumpet may leave you unsung, uncelebrated and unappreciated!
Nature abhors a vacuum, if you fail to speak up, your potential clients or employers have the right to consider you as incompetent!
It’s time to end the rut.
The first step to looking good is mindset shift.
Exit from your closet and make plans to blow your trumpet.
Then, tweak your professional profile and CV.
Ensure that your major achievements and expertise are conspicuous in your profile and CV.
Your profile and CV are basic tools but they are fundamental on this journey of looking good.
So, as we continue on this journey, I’d show you how to write a professional profile that would stand you out of the crowd.
I will also show you how to strategically use your profile and CV to get that dream job or win that contract.
Join me on this ride, as I take your hands through the path of looking good and maximizing your potentials.
Remember that “no one lights a lamp and then covers it with a washtub or shoves it under the bed. No, you set it up on a lamp stand.” (Luke 8:16. The Message)
Now, check your hands, your trumpet is there.
Blow it.
(C) Samuel O. Adeyemi
P.S. Order the bestseller, LOOK REALLY GOOD…How to make money and increase your influence with an excellent reputation. Order from Amazon here or from Paystack here.
© 2020 Samuel O. Adeyemi. All rights reserved.
Samuel is the Lead Strategist at Media DNA, an award-winning PR and Marketing Communication firm.